Category Archives: App

New site at Micro Arts Group for computer generated art 2019

We have a new site with many examples of generational art and story software. This was an art forum in the 1980s for artists. There was also a print magazine with many articles which is available for free there. Why not check it out now?

Please visit Micro Arts Group now

MA1 Abstract Originals Geoff Davis
MA1 Abstract Originals Geoff Davis

MA4 Cow Boils Head story generator - Geoff Davis
MA4 Cow Boils Head story generator – Geoff Davis

Botz Robots

I have started a new novel that has a Botz robot brand, so I started some websites to promote the general idea. There is a site for news, and a site for apps and games.

Once the book is finished I’ll update with images from the book, downloads of extracts etc.

Everyone who has subscribed will get a free peek before official release, I’ll do a mail out about that in the next weeks.

Check out the Botz Robots website for apps, games etc now >

Botz app

We have added a Botz version of our app. This has a file for robots information and is available here also. If you have the app already, just download the file below.
Use your current email or a new one. Free.
[purchase_link id=”850″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]

If you don’t have the app yet, go to Botz Tech website