Short flash fiction with new app Tap

Tap app Wattpad
Tap app Wattpad
I developed Notes Story Board (originally Story Lite, Turbo) as a tool for my own story boarding. One idea I had was to put stories into the app, along with images, extra information etc, to expand a normal story into an epistolary fiction. Or multimedia, illustrated, graphic novel.
I tried some experiments but it is like making a large poster on the zooming canvas, so is not too practical a way to read.
Perhaps it would work better with flash or short fiction, keeping a strong narrative flow.

Tap app from Wattpad
Tap app from Wattpad
Wattpad have created an app for Apple and Android called Tap that allows each line of a story to be ‘tapped’ onto the screen of your phone or tablet.

This is quite interesting! See the screenshots.
Of course, it depends on the quality of the content.

If any of you out there have any story uses for Notes Story Board, please let me know!

Check Wattpad Tap out here >